It's Back! That's right. I'm excited to announce that for the month of March we're bringing back an old staple of our metabolic training: The Tabata!
If your not familiar with Tabata Intervals and the unbelievable fat-burning potential you develop through this style of training then you'll definitely want to incorporate this into your regular routine.
Tabata's, in short, were named after a Japanese researcher, who through countless studies found a very specific protocol for interval training. More than a decade later, Tabatas have become THE #1 fat-burning format in training. For more specifics on how you can use Tabata's to burn the most fat possible click here.
For Bootcamp: Metabolism, Tabata's used to be a weekly part of our workout schedule, and was affectionately referred to as 'Tabata Tuesday'! With the coming of Spring and a greater emphasis on looking better & feeling better as the weather gets warmer I thought we'd dust off an old program and even better, give it a brand new look.....thus: Tabata Revolution!
Bootcamp: Metabolism is our muscle-building, fat-smashing, metabolism-boosting camps that run for 4 weeks on alternating days. With a foundation of nutrition, metabolic training that is part strength-training, part gymnastics, we effectively train to perform well at camp, at life, and become the fittest athletes each of us our capable of. Find out more about our program and our entry-level 3 week camp at http://bootcampbulletproof.com
Jeff McDaniel, C.P.T.
FastFit Training & Fitness
Hey great tip! Thanks for the info! :)