Thursday, January 13, 2011


At this point, you've probably at the very least thought about your goals for the year. Obviously, many set goals but few are ever successful. Here's some tips to making yours rock-solid:

First, SET a goal, I'm talking about well-defined goals. Not "I want to lose weight" or "I want to walk 30 minutes before or after work each day" or "I want to get in better shape". If your goals are this vague, get back to the drawing board!

Once you've set very specific long-range & short-range goals it's time to put those goals into ACTION!

Here's some ideas for making your dream goals a dream come true:

JOURNAL. Tracking your progress on a routine basis is so effective to helping you stick to your goals. It keeps you on task and allows you to see the small steps of success your having. Journaling also provides you the flexibility to re-evaluate/re-define them as time goes on. Maybe a morning walk becomes a morning jog after a period of time. Keeping a journal also helps you to see the obstacles that have prevented you from reaching them in the past. It's also very encouraging to see your improvement over time!

Whether it's a workout buddy or an accountability partner, surrounding yourself with positive, encouraging people who are genuinely concerned for your success makes all the difference. They are the ones who will help you stay on track and motivate you to remember that you CAN do it!

Don't sabotage all your hard work by pressuring yourself to get results right away. You didn't become who you are overnight so don't place added pressure on yourself to get it done right away. Success isn't an end result, it's a journey.

OUTLINE. Baby-step your way to success by setting small, very reachable goals. Scaling the mountaintop starts with one small step, so establish weekly or monthly goals for yourself that are easy enough to acheive. Even if it's a small accomplishment you'll feel better about yourself when you experience success!

ACCEPTANCE. Regardless of the outcomes, whether you hit rough spots or don't get the results you hoped for you have be true to yourself, always. Maybe the goals you set were not really YOU in the first place, or you just need to take another route. God uniquely made each of us in a special way to be who we are. Even reaching the goals you've set isn't going to bring you happiness. Success in fitness and health is meant to ENRICH your life, but true happiness comes from within. Accepting yourself and everything that you are and were given is the greatest motivator of all!

Jeff McDaniel
FastFit Training & Fitness

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