Monday, November 1, 2010


We rarely think of pasta being a part of a healthy nutritious meal that's filled with healthy nutrients, but with Barilla pasta that's exactly what you get. Filled with fiber, Omega-3's, and high in protein, Barilla is the healthy pasta alternative for those carb cravings.

Barilla v. Traditional Pastas
This issue with most pastas is they are low in fiber and protein and aren't made from whole grains, so there is little nutritional value. Barilla, and especially the Barilla Plus Pasta is not only higher in fiber and protein, but also higher in Omega-3 fatty acids, which is a class of healthy fats that help lower the risk of heart disease. Barilla comes in angel hair, penne, elbows, and spaghetti.

Here's a Spaghetti recipe that is equal protein & carbs, low in fat, and an excellent meal!

Barilla Plus Spaghetti
95-99% Fat Free Ground Turkey
Newman's 100% All-Natural Spaghetti Sauce
Fresh Tomatoes
Fresh Basil
Garlic Powder

1. Bring a large pot of water to a boil and add pasta (penne, angel hair, spaghetti)
2. Spray pan with 100% Natural Olive Spray and add ground turkey. Cook fully and remove from skillet to drain fat, and return to skillet.
3. Add sauce and stir often.
4. Slice tomatoes and mushrooms and add to your sauce.

35 g Protein
35 g Carbs
6 g Fat
350 Calories

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